This could genuinely be the greatest thing to ever happen to your life and perhaps the worst thing for your bank balance, because Shopcade has been reimagined, rebooted and restyled for 2015 and it’s AMAZING!
We’re still the place you come to for the hottest trends and celeb styles, the newest deals and community fashion inspo, but now we’re throwing in some additional features.
You wanted video content and multiple images, we listened! You wanted to buy more products direct from Shopcade, so we’ve started to build a portfolio of exclusive and seriously cool brands you can shop straight from the app.
We’re combining daily fashion news, informative trend edits, cool video content and much, much more to become your ultimate destination for style.
It looks different….
It’s still the Trending Feed but not as you know it. We wanted to give you more content, so our feed is now a daily source of everything stylish, where you can shop the looks and trends you love direct from our new posts. What’s more, you can now view related content too, so you don’t have to search throughout the app for all your favourite content.
What’s with the green tag?
Look out for the ‘Direct’ tag on some of your products…this means you can add to your cart and shop in one click with no hassle, no middleman and a quick and easy checkout process. You’re welcome!
Can I still post looks?

Er, YES! We love seeing your looks on the app and this won’t change. We’re just moving them to your profile so you can keep track of everything in one place!
The best part? we’re not done yet. There’s more to come in the next few months and believe us when we say, it’s going to blow your mind! Excited yet? You should be…